Perfecting – “The Irrelevant”

Nearly 2 years ago I wrote about my personal philosophy of “The Economy Of Good Enough”. At a high-level, it’s some sort of a rather aggressive approach that promotes iteration, supports continuous failing, enforces analytical thinking, rejects rolodex-people, and brings a ton of passion to work (you can read here about Om Malik writing about it, and some awesome companies I worked with such as Contently, and Wander in our startup land).


I had the chance of having some more conversations about “startups” lately, and I thought I’ll blog about it more. Some thoughts below:


Everything starts from the top, CEO and the management team

As the CEO of the company or a senior exec, beyond being responsible for deliverables you need to deliver; you’re also responsible for setting the potential/horizon of your team to grow. How far could they go, how they react when things happen, what do they consider success, what really make them happy at work and more.

Why? Because they look at you, and what you do matters even if you think it’s just a small thing nobody noticed. Things like how you dress, how you speak, how you compete, do you stop to think, can you say “I’m not sure”, who you hire,

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