You Know Its Porn When You See It

A friend of mine talked to me about a situation their at, almost philosophical, and after some time talking about it, I asked them if I can blog about it w/o mentioning their name.


Here goes, I broke it down to sections: Life. Odd. KISS. Porn.



If you think about everything people need to deal with on a daily basis w/o really paying attention that we do it – it is kind of crazy. We work 8-16 hours a day, sometimes we don’t work at all looking into new jobs, we have friends, closer friends, family, even closer family members (those that we actually want to see), colleagues, a boss, meetings we need to take, places we need to go, places we want to go, our own finance that we need to manage, our health, anxieties, experiences we want to collect, manage our fears of ‘who we might become when we grow up’, a “look” we want to own, dreams we want to live, and the list goes on, and on.


Wow, that’s a lot of stuff for us to manage. 



So how could it be, how can 7 billion people around the world multi-thread so many tasks up in the air, some more, some less, but nevertheless how come we keep our sanity in tact (or are we?) and how do we know when something doesn’t work so we can stop trying and take it off the list. That’s the goal after-all no? Who doesn’t dream about emptying their inbox. Maybe that’s what we need to do in real life then, keep tasks that still have a chance to happen and “move to archive” things that are not working. How do we do it, what is it inside us that so naturally helping us to make those endless decisions every day? How is it that we know that this investment is bad for us, and that apartment is good for us, or this is a horrible sandwich and we shouldn’t touch it, or that today we should stay extra hours at work, and that person is not so fun, or that it’s been a while since we talked to our grand parents, and how come we make those decisions at times in less than a second. Intuition?


KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid)

“I have no idea how, so that’s my contribution to the discussion : – )”, I told my friend asking me how it’s all done, and how do people naturally manage priorities of dozens of tasks w/o ever pausing to do so.

And indeed, I don’t really know how people do that, but I do think we all have this unique sense of “does it matter/not” that help us make very quick decisions almost w/o thinking about it. Those decisions come from a real intuition, which is not always explainable.

For example, in the Israeli army, soldiers don’t look back for approval before they fire which is uncommon among other armies in the world. So how is it ok for a soldier to spot a situation, realize it’s risky in less than a second, trigger a bullet and fire?



BoomI think that this all concept is based on delegated trust and intuition. Whether it’s through other people which means we trust others to do things good-enough to the point we can move on and not manage it on our list of tasks // or it can also be internal decision-making process that we all have . Meaning, most of us, when we enter a situation, or when we look at something we need to do — whether we wanted to do it or not, we have this natural spark of “matters/not” and what we think we should do. This intuition is not always the right thing, but it always means something. That’s how soldiers can make decisions w/o asking for approval at times, and perhaps that’s why while people have 50-100 tasks running in tandem, they can quickly look at the top ones that they think matter and move on.  That decision making process often time defines who we are as friends, colleagues, managers, family members…. as those are the de-facto decisions we end up making, and people around us get to see. 


As United States Supreme Court Justice Potter said, and maybe he was right, saying “I Know It’s Porn When I see It”. We just know how to do it. Listen to your intuition, it must mean something. 


Life. Odd. KISS. Porn.


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